Thursday, August 5, 2010

Please miss us, we'll be back


Hey everyone of spirits hunter! We'll not be posting at this moment. I know you guys will be waiting for our interesting updates, but we'll be back! Our assignment are finally over, thanks everyone for the support (:
We would like to thanks all of you for this 2 weeks of support. Tyvm!!

Sound Of Spirits will be back, for MORE SCARY UPDATES.

Friday, July 30, 2010

They are all around us!!!

This is a japanese Tv show which collects the original ghost video from the public.
Do you notice the white figure out of the window?
The train is very fast,but from the replay we can fiond out that there is a figure.
I post this because i don't think it is a edited one. Because it's so unpredictable
where the ghost is.
This truly happend

At last i want to say that i really believe ghost and spirit exists.
Because for me ,myself even had a expeirence of it.
Believe it or not, i am here to promise what i say is truly happened to me.

Because my high school is too far from my home, so my mom rented a house near
the school and live with me. one day my mom had something to deal with and went
out.I stayed at home by myself. I slept in bed,then i had a very strange dream.
I dreamt i were in a very strange house, all around me were white cloth.
Then i kept on going, i saw a very old bed behind the white cloth, i were
going to open the curtain.And saw a woman in red.The my grandfather(who had died for a long time) suddenly
came and drag me away and said:"Follow me".Then at a place,my grandfather also
disappeared.Then i tried to wake up,but i can't open my eyes and can't move.
I felt like i were tied by something.Then finally i woke up. I am not so afraid,
because at that time i don't know what happened to me.I told my stories to others.
They told me that the ghost(woman in red)want to occupy my body,my grandpa came to
save me.Then i know if you want to wake up but cannot and feels uncomfortable,maybe
there is a ghost want to use your body.Be careful!!!!
They are all around...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Singapore Taxi Driver near death incident

This is a real story spread among Singapore taxi drivers. It was about 7.30 pm in Chinese New Year's eve. Taxi driver Ah Tan, a 60-year-old man, lived in Bedok Reservoir Rd, was rushing back home to celebrate the family dinner.
He happened to pass by a remote path somewhere near Punggol. That used to be a farm village but has been deserted for a few years. There were altogether four bus-stops along the roadside.
While he was driving along the path, he saw a young lady at the bus-stop flagging for his taxi. At first, he wanted to take the lady but he was going to be late for his dinner. Being a person particular for punctuality, he decided not to take this customer. Then he carried on driving. To his surprise, there was another lady flagging him down. This time he felt familiar because she was wearing a red T-shirt and black skirt but due to fading light, he could not see her face.

When he passed by the third bus-stop, he felt a bit of horror as another lady was flagging him again, in the same red and black clothes! How would a lady moves faster than the wheels? The distance between two stops is about 0.8 KM away! This time, he really felt horrible and stepped the accelerator harder.When passing the fourth one, a lady charged at his car!
He was driving at least at the speed of 100 KM/H! The lady flew over his vehicle and dropped inside a drain next to the bus-stop. Ah Tan cried out due to extremely horror! The victim once again in red and black clothes. Ah Tan felt so bad and had no mood celebrating New Year.
Finally, he decided to report to the police. The body in red and black skirt was found, it was a young Chinese lady aged between 20 to 25 year old. Ah Tan's horror got attested. The lady's cause of death is not by car accident but stabbed by sharp object! She had been dead for about three days, the body already started to decay.
After the police statement, Ah Tan thought of the whole things had been over. Of course the police snickered at his initial statement and made him do another 'credible' one.
One week later, Ah Tan's horrible feeling had lessen. What a coincidence, he striked first prize 4-D for his taxi number plate. He won a big sum of money, he was so delighted in this, but unfortunately he fell down in the bath room and fractured his right arm. He was admitted to Changi hospital.
In the hospital, he started to have nightmare night after night. A young lady, in red and black skirt, kept calling him "Ah Peh, li di si lo lai?"(Uncle, when are you coming down?). He really cannot tolerate to it anymore.
Moreover, the inflammation started on his wound. Luckily, one of his friend who is a Taoist priest suggested to give up his stake's money instead of plead for 'safety'. He told Ah Tan that the lady ghost is gnawed by serious grievances and has become a ferocious spirit.
Since she could not avenge the murderer due to some reasons, Ah Tan chosen to be the 'scapegoat' for her rebirth'. The 4D winning stake is to exchange for his life!
After a battle of mind, the lady still disturbed him in the meanwhile, with a shattered nerves he decided to give up his $100,000 to The Charity Community Chest. Strange enough, he recovered from the illness rapidly.
Everything seemed to be over, but a short period after his discharged, his wife striked 4-D again, the stake amount is also $100,000! This is because, one day, his wife went market and bought some vegetable, she saw the wrapper was the used newspaper which reported the young lady's murder case. Strangely, there was four numbers on it, and his wife bet on and striked. After a fierce argument between them, Ah Tan failed to convince his wife to donate the money. A deep worry began to burden Ah Tan when his wife started puzzle head and like to put on red T-shirt and black skirt. She seemed to go mad and the temper got hotter and hotter. One morning, she suddenly told Ah Tan that the life is meaningless'. This time Ah Tan was decisive, he gave up all the money immediately. He brought his wife to the temple and asked the monks to release the young lady's souls from purgatory.
After this incident, he stop buying 4-D or involves in all kinds of gambling. Not long ago, he'd also gave up his taxi-license.

After reading this article my hair stand! For a while i thought i'm not gonna bet on 4D for some time!Money don't come out of the mid air.When you gain something, you will lose something.Lets be careful especially on the coming hungry ghosts festival and watch out of your action and behaviour,beware from agitating them.Do not look back at night if you heard somebody calling out to you in the middle of the night and careful not to step on the "ashes" which is meant for them..Take Care...
Link of original source:

George Wright Haunted School

It was a video taken in a school many said that the video is very scary especially the music in the video in the comment corner.Many also say that there is a guy shouting vividly "GET OUT!!" in the background towards the end of the video.TRY WATCHING IT AND SEE IF YOU TOO CAN HEAR THE SOUND AND THE SUPERNATURAL STUFF...

Japan huanted hospital

It is a report taken in a abandon hospital due to bankruptcy. In that area it is well known as a haunted hospital especially among the young adults and teenager. There is a real account of ghost in that particular hospital and many specially come to this place to take photo of "spirits".WATCH IT IF YOU DARE!

I admit i was too coward to watch the video at first when i read the comment. After i went to school i watched it with afew of my friends ,towards the end i went into shock. This is the scarier one i have ever post.When i say try it if you dare ,i really mean it...

The Pontianak is here

Anyone of you heard before of the famous Malay ghost, Pontianak? If you had heard before, it is a ghost/spirits found mostly under Banana trees. If during the night, you walked under a tree and smell Jasmine, don't look up or back, cos the Pontianak is just around you.. Let me show you an example of a Pontianak :

Okay, it doesn't show out much of the Pontianak. But it is roughly what a Pontianak looks like. It normally appears at night under or above the trees.

Remember, don't look up at tree at night if you smell Jasmine. You might be the next target. No one knows what their main purpose it. Just remember, these things exist and might be just beside you now..

Ghosts girl in abandon hospital

This hospital is abandon for at least two years and no one has come in there after.The guy who was talking was the one who experience the event that take place."She" was around 10 years old when she left the world and was still lingering around the room during her last breath. "She" disappear right into thin air infront of the guy,why is she still in this place?Is "she" trying to ask for help?

Japanese Ghost caught on security Camera

This video was a very famous in Japan a few years ago..
It is true!

Ghost makes contact

Creepy Grudge Ghost Girl in the Mirror!

Watch it carefully....

Some REAL ghost pictures

Ghost Car

Watch it carefully...

ghost in a hospital's video!

What do you see from this video?
Maybe you just see the there is a ghost the red circle is...
But you are wrong...
Actually there are two ghost in the surgery room...
The other one is behind the other doctor...
Can you see the green face?
Why them come to the surgery room?
Maybe they died there...
So they want another person die to company them...
Next month is ghost month...
HAHA be careful...
You may see them...

The Winchester Mystery House

View Larger Map

The Winchester Mystery House™ is considered one of the top ten most haunted places in America. Over two million visitors pass through the 160-room mansion each year. The house was originally built by Winchester Rifle Heiress Sarah L. Winchester in the late 1800s. Widowed at a young age, Winchester became convinced that her house was haunted by the many souls taken by the rifle that bore her name. After holding a series of séances, a 'spiritual medium' told Winchester that in order to keep the angry spirits at bay, she must "never stop building the house". Said the spiritualist, "If you build, you will live. Stop and you will perish."

And stop building she did not. Construction went on 24 hours a day for 32 consecutive years until Sarah's death in 1922. What stands now is a 24,000 square foot Victorian behemoth that includes 10,000 windows, 47 fireplaces, and staircases and doors that lead to nothing but blank walls. The house holds daily and midnight tours.

Spirits Sightings

The accounts of ghosts sighted in the house go up to 149.I will be sharing the one locations which has the highest ghosts occuring,Sarah Winchester Bedroom.

I was a tour guide from 1986 to 1988. On my last day I was cleaning in Mrs Winchesters Bedroom and before i left I paused to say goodbye. I told her that it was my last day and thanked her for building the house because it gave me my first job. As I turned to leave something brushed past me and it felt for all the world that someone had kissed my cheek.
08/16/88, 4:30PM at the Sarah Winchester Bedroom

Before the tour, I was sick as a dog (fever, cough, sneezing). My husband had to drag me through the tour. When we got the Sarah's bedroom, I was behind the rest of the group. I felt something tug at my shoulder. When I turned around, there was nothing there, but I heard a woman's voice say, ?you will get soon feel better." A few hours later, I felt fantastic and I haven't had a cold since.
05/09/05, 10:15AM at the Sarah Winchester Bedroom by Julie S

Now the house is open to the public if you are interested to have a look of ghosts all have an passion in maze HOUSE and garden COME TO SAN JOSE ,you will experience the best of your life.

Link of official website:

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

THIS IS A TRUE STORY that happened around me in Singapore!

This story happened 1 year ago.My friends told me they want to play an adventure in old Changi Hospital, they also asked me to go, but I had a tuition on that day , so I didnt go.

One week later, my friends told me they would never ever go to old Changi Hospital and do this kind of stupid adventure!!!

Actually when they went into the hospital at night.It was too dark. At first, they were arm in arm, later one of my friend received a sms from another friend, it said "where are you? We are at 3rd floor". Suddenly,my friend petrifield............................................................................

Say cheese with the spirits

I bet most of you like to take pictures with your family, friends, classmates, etc. Some of you also like to take the scenery or other interesting things. But have you took pictures of those unexpected ''things'' before? Maybe you did, or maybe you did not even noticing them. In any of your pictures, you might take picture of someone else in the picture. Some are visible, while some are not. You may or may not know. Have you eveer seen true ghosts in picture? Let me show you the pictures slideshow, where people accidently captured with a normal camera.

Isn't it so real? Are you able to continue? Here's one more video of real ghost captured.

All of them are captured with real camera, without any editing. What for someone go edit this kind of thing? No one will want their photo to have these ''unexpected'' thing inside. More pictures :

Can you locate all the ghosts? How will you feel if the pictures you took, have similiar siuation like the above? Do you still dare to take pictures next time?!! Beware, they are all around us!

Strange image captured by gas station camera

This is truly happened in a American gas station.
It is reported by many tv stations.
The above one is just one of them.
So i don't think it can be a fake one.
Many people had witnessed what had happened on the video.
What is the blue image?
Why it stayed there for half an hour?
Many people believe it is a ghost...
Because it cannot been seen by eyes...
What do you think?
Many things happening around us can not be explained in science way...
But believe or not...
We have to confess that they really exist in our world...
They are may be around you now...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's everywhere around you

When you climbed the stairs alone at night, do you often have a eerie feeling? Do you feel that someone is just beside you? Even if you can't see it, it's just next to you, whether behind, infront, right or left. Do you have any idea of what a ghost stairs look like? Here's a viedo for it :

HAHAHAHA. Are you scare by this video? Did you scream? I'm sorry for posting this, i'm just trying to test all of you out. Here's the serious part, i'm gonna show you a true video, be it ghosts, spirits or demons.

If the video above have made your heart pump faster, or scare you for a moment, i suggest you not to view the below video. It will scare and shocked you. I swear after you had watch this, you'll not even dare to do things alone. Enjoy this 9 minute plus of horror..

I bet you're shocked by all the different types of videos. From what you've seen from the video, most of the ghosts seen are REAL. It's not edited at all. All of them are recorded with a video camera. It's all true! This is to share that these ''things'' are real, and are living among us. You'll never know when it is next to you. It just depends on your luck. There's alot more videos showing all these.

Do not fear them, but know they are real. Knowing, understanding, and believing is what you must do. However, it's your choice to believe all these. But how can your eyes play a trick on you? You just saw those ''things'' right? Or you might want to see with your own eyes, before believing it. Don't turn back or look around, it might just be around you..

Black Aggie

When Felix Agnus put up the life-sized shrouded bronze statue of a grieving angel, seated on a pedestal, in the Agnus family plot in the Druid Ridge Cemetery, he had no idea what he had started. The statue was a rather eerie figure by day, frozen in a moment of grief and terrible pain. At night, the figure was almost unbelievably creepy; the shroud over its head obscuring the face until you were up close to it. There was a living air about the grieving angel, as if its arms could really reach out and grab you if you weren't careful.

It didn't take long for rumors to sweep through the town and surrounding countryside. They said that the statue - nicknamed Black Aggie - was haunted by the spirit of a mistreated wife who lay beneath her feet. The statue's eyes would glow red at the stroke of midnight, and any living person who returned the statues gaze would instantly be struck blind. Any pregnant woman who passed through her shadow would miscarry. If you sat on her lap at night, the statue would come to life and crush you to death in her dark embrace. If you spoke Black Aggie's name three times at midnight in front of a dark mirror, the evil angel would appear and pull you down to hell. They also said that spirits of the dead would rise from their graves on dark nights to gather around the statue at night.

People began visiting the cemetery just to see the statue, and it was then that the local fraternity decided to make the statue of Grief part of their initiation rites. "Black Aggie" sitting, where candidates for membership had to spend the night crouched beneath the statue with their backs to the grave of General Agnus, became popular.

One dark night, two fraternity members accompanied new hopeful to the cemetery and watched while he took his place underneath the creepy statue. The clouds had obscured the moon that night, and the whole area surrounding the dark statue was filled with a sense of anger and malice. It felt as if a storm were brewing in that part of the cemetery, and to their chagrin, the two fraternity members noticed that gray shadows seemed to be clustering around the body of the frightened fraternity candidate crouching in front of the statue.

What had been a funny initiation rite suddenly took on an air of danger. One of the fraternity brothers stepped forward in alarm to call out to the initiate. As he did, the statue above the boy stirred ominously. The two fraternity brothers froze in shock as the shrouded head turned toward the new candidate. They saw the gleam of glowing red eyes beneath the concealing hood as the statue's arms reached out toward the cowering boy.

With shouts of alarm, the fraternity brothers leapt forward to rescue the new initiate. But it was too late. The initiate gave one horrified yell, and then his body disappeared into the embrace of the dark angel. The fraternity brothers skidded to a halt as the statue thoughtfully rested its glowing eyes upon them. With gasps of terror, the boys fled from the cemetery before the statue could grab them too.

Hearing the screams, a night watchman hurried to the Agnus plot. To his chagrin, he discovered the body of a young man lying at the foot of the statue. The young man had apparently died of fright.

The disruption caused by the statue grew so acute that the Agnus family finally donated it to the Smithsonian museum in Washington D.C.. The grieving angel sat for many years in storage there, never again to plague the citizens visiting the Druid Hill Park Cemetery.

posted by

Monday, July 26, 2010

The kid ghost is having fun

I think most of you have seen or heard before of swings moving by itself. However, the video i am going to show you is something you'll never believe, unless you see it with your own eyes. I found this video while i was searching for some shows with my Sister. We are damn shocked. Enjoy.. Don't blink your eyes, don't pause, don't stop, watch it alone..

Seen it? As you can see from the video, the swings are swinging damn fast. If you said that it was the strong wind, but why 3 of them did not swing together at the same speed? People also said that it might be the people there pushing the swing highly before they record this video. But even it's that case, why did the swing continue to swing faster after it slows down? Furthermore, a girl tried to stop the swing from swinging. But after awhile, the swing continue to swing high at a very fast speed.

I believe this video is true. People had also said that it might be a wandering ghost kid playing on the swing. If you seen this situation, do you dare to go near it? Or even, try to stop it from swinging? There's nothing fake in this video. You have already seen it in your eyes, that the swings moves by itself without anyone swinging it. Do you still dare to play with the swing?

Believe it or not is up to you, they're all around us.
You'll never know whether he/she is beside you now.

oh My gosh!!!!!!!!

This is truely happened in Japan. A serious car crash happened last month in Japan.
When a reporter came and took a photo of the car crash.Incrediable thing happened.
Guess what the reporter caught in the camera?
A plain face!!!!!!
whose face is it?
Is it the spirit of the man died in the crash?
Or this crash happened because of the ghost...
Never mind you will never know...

If you don't think it's very horrible.Follow me with another picture which is taken from a very famous TV show-"Kangxi caming"

Do you see the eyes on the sunglasses?
it can't be the eyes of the man,because the glasses is near his mouth.
Then can you imagine whose eyes are they?
Gosh what the hell...


Friday, July 23, 2010

MJ's Spirit is back ONCE AGAIN?!!

As you can see from the viedo, MJ's face is spotted at the car's surface. A builder from the Stafford looks into his car bonnet and sees the King of Pop's face staring back. Many people said it was the reflection of the cloud, but how could the cloud be so alike to MJ? MJ's alike spirit has been appearing everywhere after his death. Have he come back, or it is just coincidence?

It is your choice to believe it or not. MJ's Spirit is still wondering around.. TILL NOW.

Do comment by tagging on the tagboard on our posts. Thanks (:
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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Raffles City Haunted Lift

I believe many people has seen this video two years back. But i am going to bring back your memories of that scene once more. This video was taken by the security camera in the lift and was shock to see this when they play back. Those who had never see this before, WATCH IT, you will like it....!


Next time when you take the lift do not look back in case you saw something you DON'T WANT TO SEE!!

REAL ghost girl caught on the video!!!

It's a real video.Here is what the photographer says.
"This is the strangest video I have recorded of the paranormal events happening at my house. I did not notice the little girl in the hallway until I played back the tape. This one scared the crap out of me because I saw the little girl only in the cameras LCD screen. I will record more if I can."

This is the strangest video I have recorded of the paranormal events happening at my house. I did not notice the little girl in the hallway until I played back the tape. This one scared the crap out of me because I saw the little girl only in the cameras LCD screen. I will record more if I can.

Do you see the ghost girl in white?
Do you dare to watch this video at night?
No matter you believe or not,they really exist in the world...
They are maybe around you now...
Don't look back...
you can see it...
game is still on...


Have you seen this viedo before? It's about a LIVE viedo during CNN Larry King Interview. They were going to Michael Jackson, the King Of Pop's house. While they were interviewing, they saw the spirit of Michael Jackson. Can you spot it? The spirit of MJ is walking around the house.

As you can seen, it is recorded LIVE. So therefore, there is NO EDITING of the viedo. Strange isn't it? MJ is back :D

Friday, July 16, 2010

Hello , first post here ! This is a blog of our CIS project .
We will be putting things about spirit here .
Heh heh heh heh , enjoy <:
Are you interested ? Stay tune to our blog for more updates !