Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Winchester Mystery House

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The Winchester Mystery House™ is considered one of the top ten most haunted places in America. Over two million visitors pass through the 160-room mansion each year. The house was originally built by Winchester Rifle Heiress Sarah L. Winchester in the late 1800s. Widowed at a young age, Winchester became convinced that her house was haunted by the many souls taken by the rifle that bore her name. After holding a series of séances, a 'spiritual medium' told Winchester that in order to keep the angry spirits at bay, she must "never stop building the house". Said the spiritualist, "If you build, you will live. Stop and you will perish."

And stop building she did not. Construction went on 24 hours a day for 32 consecutive years until Sarah's death in 1922. What stands now is a 24,000 square foot Victorian behemoth that includes 10,000 windows, 47 fireplaces, and staircases and doors that lead to nothing but blank walls. The house holds daily and midnight tours.

Spirits Sightings

The accounts of ghosts sighted in the house go up to 149.I will be sharing the one locations which has the highest ghosts occuring,Sarah Winchester Bedroom.

I was a tour guide from 1986 to 1988. On my last day I was cleaning in Mrs Winchesters Bedroom and before i left I paused to say goodbye. I told her that it was my last day and thanked her for building the house because it gave me my first job. As I turned to leave something brushed past me and it felt for all the world that someone had kissed my cheek.
08/16/88, 4:30PM at the Sarah Winchester Bedroom

Before the tour, I was sick as a dog (fever, cough, sneezing). My husband had to drag me through the tour. When we got the Sarah's bedroom, I was behind the rest of the group. I felt something tug at my shoulder. When I turned around, there was nothing there, but I heard a woman's voice say, ?you will get soon feel better." A few hours later, I felt fantastic and I haven't had a cold since.
05/09/05, 10:15AM at the Sarah Winchester Bedroom by Julie S

Now the house is open to the public if you are interested to have a look of ghosts all have an passion in maze HOUSE and garden COME TO SAN JOSE ,you will experience the best of your life.

Link of official website:

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